
Vegetarian Type
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  1. 臺灣康德鱈魚片 3公斤裝
  2. Fresh Seasoning Powder

    Fresh Seasoning Powder

    Fresh Seasoning Powder
  3. Mustard and salt

    Mustard and salt

    Mustard and salt
  4. Egg Noodles

    Egg Noodles

    Egg Noodles
  5. Vegetarian Tuna

    Vegetarian Tuna

    Vegetarian Tuna
  6. Vegetable Shiang Song

    Vegetable Shiang Song

    Vegetable Shiang Song
  7. Veggie Noodles

    Veggie Noodles

    Veggie Noodles
  8. 非基改豆包


  9. Organic Black Gluten Rice

    Organic Black Gluten Rice

    Organic Black Gluten Rice
  10. Konjac Lucky T

    Konjac Lucky T

    Konjac Lucky T
  11. 維力蒸煮麵10片裝


    ★商品成分 麵粉、食用澱粉、食鹽、麵質改良劑、?-胡蘿蔔素(著色劑)。 ★商品規格 每包65公克,10包/袋 ★保存期限 10個月 ★使用方式 1.大火快煮約2-3分鐘,下水攪拌至麵身散開後即時食用。 2.沖泡時間:95度以上熱水沖泡約4-5分鐘後即可食用。 3.麵身煮(沖)開後撈起,拌上炸醬後個人喜好之調料,即可成為好吃的乾麵。 4.麵身煮(沖)開後撈起,過一下冰水後,可製成涼麵,風味特佳。 5.麵身煮(沖)開後撈起,加入肉燥、湯汁、乾麵、湯麵皆宜。 6.打一顆蛋,加入些季節性蔬菜和高湯(或雞湯塊)肉片,就是一碗營養美味的湯麵。 7.將蒸煮麵放熱火鍋內煮,麵身Q、口感扎實,是吃火鍋最佳的良伴。 8.請在煮好十分鐘內食用。
  12. Rice Noodles

    Rice Noodles

    Rice Noodles
  13. Wasabi Pepper Salt

    Wasabi Pepper Salt

    Wasabi Pepper Salt
  14. Milled Rice with Embryo

    Milled Rice with Embryo

    Milled Rice with Embryo
  15. Vegetarian BBQ Sauce-medium

    Vegetarian BBQ Sauce-medium

    Vegetarian BBQ Sauce-medium
  16. Organic Soy Sauce

    Organic Soy Sauce

    Organic Soy Sauce
  17. Bean Soy Paste

    Bean Soy Paste

  18. Vegetarian Oyster Sauce-large

    Vegetarian Oyster Sauce-large

    Vegetarian Oyster Sauce-large
  19. 天綠嚴選苦茶油


  20. 儒齋塔香蚵嗲


Vegetarian Type
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20 per page

Items 1 to 20 of 118 total

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