
Vegetarian Type
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25 per page

Items 1 to 25 of 35 total

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  1. 捲捲麵


  2. Mushroom and Vegetarian Squid Instant Noodles

    Mushroom and Vegetarian Squid Instant Noodles

    Mushroom and Vegetarian Squid Instant Noodles
  3. Bah Kut Tea Instant Noodles-1p

    Bah Kut Tea Instant Noodles-1p

    Bah Kut Tea Instant Noodles-1p
  4. Vegetable Combo Noodles-1b

    Vegetable Combo Noodles-1b

    Vegetable Combo Noodles-1b
  5. Rice Noodles

    Rice Noodles

    Rice Noodles
  6. Konjac Vermicelli

    Konjac Vermicelli

    Konjac Vermicelli
  7. 隨緣鮮蔬百匯素湯麵 5包裝

    隨緣鮮蔬百匯素湯麵 5包裝

    規格 隨緣~說不盡的好味道 健康、美味、隨緣 ‧麵: L-麩胺酸鈉、碳酸鈉、碳酸鉀、偏磷酸鈉、多磷酸鈉、焦磷酸鈉、麵用乳化劑、羧甲基纖維素鈉、海藻酸鈉、混和濃縮生育醇 ‧油包: 混和濃縮生育醇 ‧粉包: L-麩胺酸鈉、胺基乙酸、香菇香料
  8. Vegetarian Beef Instant Noodles

    Vegetarian Beef Instant Noodles

    Vegetarian Beef Instant Noodles
  9. Korean Kimchi Instant Noodles-1p

    Korean Kimchi Instant Noodles-1p

    Korean Kimchi Instant Noodles-1p
  10. Veggie Brown Rice Congee

    Veggie Brown Rice Congee

    Veggie Brown Rice Congee
  11. Mushroom Thin Noodles

    Mushroom Thin Noodles

    Mushroom Thin Noodles
  12. Bai-Fu Noodles

    Bai-Fu Noodles

    Bai-Fu Noodles
  13. 長壽麵線


  14. 吉好當歸雞絲麵


  15. Vegetarian Beef Braised Instant Noodles

    Vegetarian Beef Braised Instant Noodles

    Vegetarian Beef Braised Instant Noodles
  16. Red Yeast Knife-Shaved Noodles

    Red Yeast Knife-Shaved Noodles

    Red Yeast Knife-Shaved Noodles
  17. Vegetable and Mushroom Noodles-1p

    Vegetable and Mushroom Noodles-1p

    Vegetable and Mushroom Noodles-1p
  18. Vermicelli


  19. Vegetarian Beef Braised Noodles Soup-vegan

    Vegetarian Beef Braised Noodles Soup-vegan

    Vegetarian Beef Braised Noodles Soup-vegan
  20. taiwan five color noodles

    taiwan five color noodles

  21. 《味王》巧食齋當歸藥膳湯麵(4包)


    味王當歸藥膳湯麵85g*4 品牌 味王 商品種類 泡麵 保存方法 請置放於陰涼處,避免陽光直射。 內容物成份 淨重、容量:85公克 麵體: 麵粉、棕櫚油、樹薯粉、食鹽、品質改良劑[碳酸鉀、偏磷酸鈉、多磷酸鈉、磷酸二氫鈉(無水)、焦磷酸鈉(無水)]、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉、琥珀酸二鈉)、粘稠劑(海藻酸鈉)、複合著色劑[蔗糖、葵花油、水、b-胡蘿蔔素、抗氧化劑(維生素E、L-抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯)、卵磷脂、果膠]、蔬菜抽出物(植物性蛋白、酵母粉、香菇粉、高麗菜粉、5'-鳥嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、5'-次黃嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉)、抗氧化劑(混合濃縮生育醇)粉包: 食鹽、脫水蔬菜[高麗菜(含葡萄糖)、枸杞、薑絲]、葡萄糖、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉、5'-鳥嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、5'-次黃嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉)、複合調味粉[麥芽糊精、玉米澱粉、枸杞、黃蓍、砂糖、食鹽、熟地、當歸、川芎、二氧化矽、桂皮、DL-胺基丙酸、抗氧化劑(混合濃縮生育醇)]、砂糖、麥芽糊精、當歸粉、藥膳複合調味粉(地瓜澱粉、當歸、枸杞、二氧化矽)、複合調味粉[大豆蛋白(基因改造)、酵母抽出物、食鹽、醬油粉、砂糖、二氧化矽、5'-鳥嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、5'-次黃嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、琥珀酸二鈉、五香粉]、黑胡椒粉(含地瓜澱粉、辣椒、花椒)、薑粉(含玉米澱粉)、著色劑(焦糖色素)、複方甜味劑[檸檬酸鈉、麥芽糊精、甜味劑(甘草酸鈉)]油包: 芝麻油(含大豆油)、複合香料(含當歸萃取物、丙二醇、三乙酸甘油酯)、薑抽出物(含大豆油)
  22. Tomato Lamian Noodles

    Tomato Lamian Noodles

    Tomato Lamian Noodles
  23. Spicy Mushroom Noodles

    Spicy Mushroom Noodles

    Spicy Mushroom Noodles
  24. Vegetarian Stew Noodles-4p

    Vegetarian Stew Noodles-4p

    Vegetarian Stew Noodles-4p
  25. Pickled Veggie Vermicelli

    Pickled Veggie Vermicelli

    Pickled Veggie Vermicelli
Vegetarian Type
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25 per page

Items 1 to 25 of 35 total

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