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  1. Vegetarian Good Luck Chicken

    Vegetarian Good Luck Chicken


    Vegetarian Good Luck Chicken

    Ingredients: soy protein, soy protein isolate, wheat fibre, water, soybean oil, salt, white pepper, white sugar, flavor enhancer, vegan spices.
    Weight: 280g

  2. CKF Firm Tofu

    CKF Firm Tofu

    CKF Firm Tofu
  3. Fresh Vegetarian Ocean Shrimp-600G

    Fresh Vegetarian Ocean Shrimp-600G


    Fresh Vegetarian Ocean Shrimp-600G

    Chewy texture, and with red chili as the natural color, it’s full of fresh ocean taste.


    ■ Serving Suggestions:Pan-fry, stir-fry, braise, deep fry, stewed, barbeque, cold cut.


    ■No Onions, No Garlic, Non-GMO,
    ■No Eggs, No Dairy, No Alcohol,
    ■No Added Preservatives,
    ■No Added Artificial Colorings

  4. 齊善素梅菜扣肉


  5. 牛蒡揚


  6. Vegetable Q Tofu Slice

    Vegetable Q Tofu Slice

    Vegetable Q Tofu Slice
  7. 全廣香饌黑胡椒香酥排(無蛋奶)


    無蛋無奶, 無反式脂肪, 零膽固醇! No Egg, No Dairy, No Trans Fat, Cholesterol Free! 純素香酥口味,超級帶勁兒! Tasty Vegan Pork Flavour, you'll love it! 宗教級純素無五辛無酒 100% VEGAN with no Allium & Alcohol 做漢堡, 三明治等各式料理都非常合適喔! Great for making Vegan Burgers, Sandwichs and many other kinds of cuisine!
  8. Lotus Angelica Soya Chicken

    Lotus Angelica Soya Chicken


    Lotus Angelica Soya Chicken

    Ingredients: mushrooms, Chinese wolfberry, lotus seeds, angelica, beans, seasonings.
    Weight: 450g ± 30g
    Shelf life: frozen for one year
    Cooking method:
    1. placed in the stew pot, the whole or cut can be.
    2. With the likes of 3 to 4 ginseng and to add Chinese medicine
    3. Stewed chicken time is about 25 to 30 minutes.
    4. After the pot and then add a few slices of thin ginger, taste better
    5. To cook broth, please add ginger to boiling 8 to 10 minutes

  9. 非基改豆包


  10. Vegetarian Bacon Ham Slices

    Vegetarian Bacon Ham Slices

    Vegetarian Bacon Ham Slices
  11. Vegetarian Chicken Cubes

    Vegetarian Chicken Cubes

    Vegetarian Chicken Cubes
  12. Vegan Fried Squid Ring

    Vegan Fried Squid Ring


    Vegan Fried Squid Ring

    Ingredients: Water, Starch, Curdlan gum, Konjac Powder, Oil, Salt, Sugar, Seasonings

  13. vegan lotus ball

    vegan lotus ball

  14. 臺灣芋頭


  15. Vegan Salted Chicken-300

    Vegan Salted Chicken-300

    Vegan Salted Chicken-300
Vegetarian Type
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