Leisure Food

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  1. Plum jelly

    Plum jelly

    Plum jelly
  2. Hoya 素食煙燻培根味肉乾50g
  3. Yum crisp

    Yum crisp

    Yum crisp
  4. Cereals Black Cake-Salty Crisp Pepper Flavor (Vegan)

    Cereals Black Cake-Salty Crisp Pepper Flavor (Vegan)


    Cereals Black Cake-Salty Crisp Pepper Flavor (Vegan)
    Contents: Millet, Black rice, Brown rice, Black sesame, White sesame, Pumpkin seeds, Palm oil, Soy sauce powder, Pepper, Salt

  5. Peanut-Chinese yam and Red yeast flavor

    Peanut-Chinese yam and Red yeast flavor

    Peanut-Chinese yam and Red yeast flavor
  6. Dry Bean Curd -Cumin

    Dry Bean Curd -Cumin

    Dry Bean Curd -Cumin
  7. dried tomato

    dried tomato

  8. Brown Rice Puff

    Brown Rice Puff

    Brown Rice Puff
  9. 龍宏香辣高麗菜泡菜


    ★本產品採用嚴選高麗菜及辣椒精心調味製造 ★可直接食用、煎餅、炒菜、火鍋、焗烤等 ★全素食品
  10. Crisky Malt Sugar Tongue Cake

    Crisky Malt Sugar Tongue Cake

    Crisky Malt Sugar Tongue Cake
  11. 《味王》巧食齋當歸藥膳湯麵(4包)


    味王當歸藥膳湯麵85g*4 品牌 味王 商品種類 泡麵 保存方法 請置放於陰涼處,避免陽光直射。 內容物成份 淨重、容量:85公克 麵體: 麵粉、棕櫚油、樹薯粉、食鹽、品質改良劑[碳酸鉀、偏磷酸鈉、多磷酸鈉、磷酸二氫鈉(無水)、焦磷酸鈉(無水)]、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉、琥珀酸二鈉)、粘稠劑(海藻酸鈉)、複合著色劑[蔗糖、葵花油、水、b-胡蘿蔔素、抗氧化劑(維生素E、L-抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯)、卵磷脂、果膠]、蔬菜抽出物(植物性蛋白、酵母粉、香菇粉、高麗菜粉、5'-鳥嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、5'-次黃嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉)、抗氧化劑(混合濃縮生育醇)粉包: 食鹽、脫水蔬菜[高麗菜(含葡萄糖)、枸杞、薑絲]、葡萄糖、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉、5'-鳥嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、5'-次黃嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉)、複合調味粉[麥芽糊精、玉米澱粉、枸杞、黃蓍、砂糖、食鹽、熟地、當歸、川芎、二氧化矽、桂皮、DL-胺基丙酸、抗氧化劑(混合濃縮生育醇)]、砂糖、麥芽糊精、當歸粉、藥膳複合調味粉(地瓜澱粉、當歸、枸杞、二氧化矽)、複合調味粉[大豆蛋白(基因改造)、酵母抽出物、食鹽、醬油粉、砂糖、二氧化矽、5'-鳥嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、5'-次黃嘌呤核甘磷酸二鈉、琥珀酸二鈉、五香粉]、黑胡椒粉(含地瓜澱粉、辣椒、花椒)、薑粉(含玉米澱粉)、著色劑(焦糖色素)、複方甜味劑[檸檬酸鈉、麥芽糊精、甜味劑(甘草酸鈉)]油包: 芝麻油(含大豆油)、複合香料(含當歸萃取物、丙二醇、三乙酸甘油酯)、薑抽出物(含大豆油)
  12. Organic Grain Dessert

    Organic Grain Dessert

    Organic Grain Dessert
  13. 蘇記太陽餅


    內容物名稱 小麥麵粉、砂糖、植物油(棕櫚油)、麥芽糖、雞蛋、椰子粉、鹽 內容量 360g 原產地(國) 台灣 保存期限 180日
  14. Seasoned Seaweed

    Seasoned Seaweed

    Seasoned Seaweed
  15. Good Student snack cakes-spicy crackers flavors

    Good Student snack cakes-spicy crackers flavors

    Good Student snack cakes-spicy crackers flavors
  16. Peanut-plum flavor

    Peanut-plum flavor

    Peanut-plum flavor
  17. Herbal Tea

    Herbal Tea

    Herbal Tea
  18. Healthy nut

    Healthy nut

    Healthy nut
  19. Alcohol Free Black Malted Drink (One Can)

    Alcohol Free Black Malted Drink (One Can)


    Alcohol Free Black Malted Drink (One Can)

    This product is made from Germany rye and natural black malt with no chemical additives and preservatives. Rye is the largest crop in Germany and the main food that supports the life of Germanic people. Rye is a very common drink in Germany. Rye itself is rich in protein, vitamin B group, vitamin A, C, E, natural calcium, iron, zinc and mineral groups. It is also known as Non-alcoholic black beer.

    Name: Chongdefa Black Malted Drink
    Ingredients: carbonated water, glucose syrup, wholegrain black malt, hop extract
    Food Additives: None
    Origin: Germany

  20. american corn snack

    american corn snack

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