organic sugar free soy milk


SKU: DT217

Availability: In stock

  * Vegan without 5-allium

  * Organic



里仁有機豆奶 有機黃豆種植於加拿大,出自於富含養分的土壤、純淨的水源與農友的用心,孕育出營養豐富的有機黃豆,適合製成有機豆奶、豆乾、豆花的多樣選擇,是每日活力的最佳來源。 有機豆奶口感香醇、滑順不膩,喝起來有獨特的豆奶香味。可常溫保存,讓你隨時隨地都能喝到有機豆奶的好滋味。 有奶香味的豆漿-有機豆奶 黃豆的品種繁多,各具不同的特色。為了提供消費者醇香口感的豆漿,里仁進口加拿大的有機黃豆,研磨出具有獨特奶香的有機豆奶。 實際行動支持有機農業 有機豆奶的黃豆原料,來自於加拿大一對年輕兄弟Beattie的農場。Beattie兄弟看到有機農業未來發展的潛力,決心種植有益環境的有機黃豆。正巧里仁因應全球未來糧食供應狀況,未雨綢繆地遠赴海外尋覓有機農產品時,看見這對兄弟的用心,雙方因而展開合作。這對兄弟除了栽種有機黃豆,也考量到有機穀物儲藏的安全性,於是他們成立當地唯一的有機穀倉,為當地有機栽培的農友提供分級篩選。里仁與Beattie兄弟進行契約種植,用實際行動支持有機,鼓勵當地小農對有機農產品的栽種。 隨時都可以喝到的香醇好滋味 里仁將進口的有機黃豆委託具有機加工驗證的統盛公司,以專業的技術,製成常溫的有機豆奶。每一瓶口感香醇、滑順不膩的有機豆奶,都是對全球有機農業的支持。飲用前請先搖晃,以使風味勻稱。冷藏後飲用別有風味。 特色: ● 選用清淨的加拿大有機黃豆 ● 含天然優質植物性蛋白 ● 堅持原豆磨煮,無化學添加 ● 不含防腐劑

Manufacturer   :   Leezen

Payment Method

There are options of payment methods:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Please note it will take 1 to 2 business days for banks to clear your payment after you complete money transfer.
    Our Bank Account:
    Bank      :ASB Bank
    Account :Blissful Trading Limited
    Number :12-3233-0029000-00

  • Pay online by Credit Card (DPS PxPay)
    DPS Payment Express accepts VISA and MasterCard.
    Please be noted that an additional 3% bank service fee will be applied when you pay by credit card.

  • DPS Account2Account transfer
    This online payment method supports most of online banking of NZ banks. It is a safe, reliable and convenient method to place your online order and making payment concurrently, without additional bank service charge.

DPS Payment Express is a PCI DSS compliant Visa and MasterCard certified solution, and is one of the most trusted services in NZ for real-time credit card processing. To find out more about DPS Payment Express please call 0800 PAYMENT or browse Our website won't be able to process or store any details of your credit card or bank account.

If you have any question please Contact Us or call our service team at 021-1493168.

Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

We'll do our best to get your order to you in the possible fastest and most cost effective manner. The shipping policies are as follows:

  1. When we receive your full payment we will email you a shipping confirmation. Please check shipping date, courier company and tracking number on the email.
  2. Delivery usually takes 1-2 days for Auckland metropolitan area and 3-5 days for other areas. Please inform us if you don't receive your order within this reasonable time.
  3. Please check the package when you receive your order. Take a photo of broken package before you sign to the courier driver and inform us immediately.
  4. Please note that delivery is not available on weekend and public holidays. We will ship on the following working day.
  5. If you are not at home, the driver will leave the parcel on the front doorstep or at the nearest location. If the driver cannot access your property, the courier driver will leave a notice in your mailbox for you to pick up the parcel at the depot. 
  6. After receiving the parcel containing frozen products, please open the parcel and refrigerate the products as soon as possible. 

--------------------------A warm reminding for placing orders:

  1. Our system will automatically calculate shipping fee for you. You can choose to pay the shipping fee for shipping order to you; or to avoid shipping fee by picking up at one of our stores.
    Please note that we will email you a shipping confirmation only after having received full payment. Please show your shipping confirmation at our store if you choose picking up your order.
  2. Extra fee will apply for Rural area delivery. This extra charge is not included in free shipping promotions.
  3. Please contact us if your order is over 25KG. We will check the shipping fee for you.
  4. Please pay your order online only. Our store staffs won't accept payments for online orders. Please contact us should this cause any problem to your order.

If you have any question please Contact Us or call our service team at 021-1493168